The Surprising and Unexpected | September 2020 Newsletter

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The Surprising and Unexpected

We are certainly in an outlandish time on this planet. I used to hear a lot of confidence in people's voices when they would tell me how they thought this would all turn out. These days though, it seems like no one feels sure about their predictions anymore. And for many of us, this uncertainty and lack of concrete information are unsettling. But, I'll play devil's advocate for a moment and say that some of the best things in my life were utterly unexpected.

"Mystery is at the heart of creativity. That, and surprise."
-Julia Cameron

The older I get, the more I appreciate the notion of mystery. I feel like life can get pretty dull if it's not filled with surprises regularly. Even the kind of surprises I tend to label "bad." And what we know from our experience in design and creativity is that not knowing the outcome is a critical part of doing big, bold work. The practice for most of us is letting go of control and allowing the process to do its job.

To that end, we have three stories for you this month about just that!

– Parker
PS – If you have any questions about the content we publish, or just wanna chat, don’t hesitate to reach out to me at I’d love to hear from you.

Unlikely Entrepreneurs (The Stoked Story)

Our video for the month is the story about two very unlikely entrepreneurs! Anna Love and I are very different people with very different backgrounds, but, as it turns out, we turned out to be hyper-aligned to start and grow a business. People ask us all the time how we got started, so here's the story!


You Can’t Sell Yourself Until You Know Yourself

"I wrote a piece this month about how our journey into creating a foundation for marketing at Stoked led to unexpected outcomes! Short version: We thought it was all about more client traffic, but it was all about learning how to more clearly articulate who we are and what we do. Also, marketing is hard AF, and you can learn about our missteps and the lessons we learned!" — Parker Gates

The Reframe Podcast ðŸŽ™

We’re dipping into the archive this month to bring you an episode from Reframe, Stoked’s podcast. In this episode from March 2019, Kate Parrish joins Jacob and me to discuss how interesting and unexpected elements from our youth made us exactly who we are today. And we talk about how these pieces of our past play a significant role in our creativity, and ultimately, what we do for a living!
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A global design firm helping organizations reimagine how they work.

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You Can’t Sell Yourself Until You Know Yourself