How Imagination Emerged From Unimaginable Constraints | July 2021 Newsletter

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How Imagination Emerged From Unimaginable Constraints 

I know, I know, you've heard it a million times. What a year.

When the pandemic first hit, not only did we have to let two amazing full-time collaborators go, but our projects were paused, seemingly suspended in time, while we all made sense of what was happening in the world, in business, and with each other. Before the pandemic, a client had asked us to design a leadership development experience that included in-person immersion with a community facing a healthcare issue. This healthcare issue, like so many other issues, was amplified by the pandemic. And our challenge was to design and deliver an immersive virtual experience—something we said we’d never do. 

We’d always believed our work required in-person sessions. But the force of the pandemic gifted us the space to dig deep, dream and imagine, and ultimately, take us to a place beyond what we thought was possible. We were able to get lost in creativity. Well, if pressure makes diamonds, in true Stoked fashion, we took the constraints we were faced with and created a powerful experience that changed hearts and minds. One that unlocked leadership skills, inspired a new way of innovative thinking, and connected these leaders to new ways to make an impact in the world.

“We need to keep dreaming, even when it feels impossible.” 

This is the advice of professional troublemaker Luvvie Ajayi Jones.  While we wiped down our groceries with Clorox wipes, baked yet another gluten-filled sourdough starter concoction, and attended virtual sound baths, this project gave our minds the space to dream and forge a new path without a playbook. 

If a client had asked us to design a virtual cultural immersion experience two years ago, we would have turned down the work. Fast forward to today—we are crushing it.  Virtual work has unlocked opportunities for us, removing the impediments of travel time, allowing us to work with folks across the world, and creating experiences that might not exist without it (Happy hour with drag queens in Portugal anyone?).  It flipped our usual script in the best way possible. While we set out to create a leadership development experience for others, we found ourselves also evolving as leaders and innovators.

Here is a taste of where dreams took us.

Megan McClendon,
Lead of Innovation

Where Can We Take You?

Check out this compilation of how we travelled to a new place together virtually.


We Need To Keep Dreaming, Even When It Feels Impossible. Here's Why.

Get inspired to dream big from Luvvie and avoid the trap of fear and chaos. I hope she lights a fire of passion in you the same way she did for me.

What We're Listening To 🎙

Jennifer and Steve of Pause + Expand dare to dream and allow their audience to get lost regularly through the art of sound and visualization. They are an amazing Stoked collaborator and we are thankful for their willingness to dream big alongside of us.
BONUS: Keep dreaming, imagining, and getting lost with us. Here's an hour's worth of Megan's daydream-ready jams to transport you somewhere far, even if you're sitting at your desk. 
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A global design firm helping organizations reimagine how they work.

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